Agriculture & Livestock
Agro based SEZ
Potential Clusters
Agro Food Processing
- Fruit/Veg Processing (Pulp, Juices, Nectar, Pickles)
- Fruit/Veg Packing
- Biscuits, Bread and Other bakery products
- Ice creams, Khoya and other dairy products
- Spices
- Bottle led water
Agro Non-food Processing
- Seed processing & distribution
- Feed Mills
- Composite & other organic fertilizers
- Medicinal hub processing
- Chip board
- Furniture
Light Engineering
- Dates dehydrators
- Farm Equipment’s and implements
- Packaging
- Hand pumps/Electric Water motors etc
- Building Materials
Establishment of Large Scale Dairy Farms & Milk Processing Facilities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Salient Features:
- Favorable environment for rearing Holstein Friesian & Jersey cows
- Huge domestic market for quality milk
- Vast biodiversity
- Favorable environment for optimum dairy production:
- Small farmers (1-4 animals) 84%
- Milk produced by small farmers 80%
- Milk Marketed through formal Channel 30%
- Milk market through informal channel 70%
- Potential for milk value chain 70%
- Encouraging market rates of milk:
- Raw milk: $ 0.60-0.90 per lit
- Processed milk: $ 0.90-1.20 per lit
- Fertile land available for fodder production
- Land available: 27 million ha
- Average fodder production: 20 tons per ha
- No pasteurized milk available in market
- No milk processing facility in the province
- Huge local demand for fresh milk
- Proximity to export market in Afghanistan and middle east

Detail of the Project:
- Proposed Farm Capacity: 1000 HF cows(to be increased to 2000)
- Land for farm building: 15 acres
- Land for fodder production: 600 acres
Establishment of Large Scale Dairy Farms & Milk Processing Facilities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Salient Features:
- A broad livestock base for constant backward supply chain with 4% growth rate is the salient feature of this province
- Number of animals available for slaughtering
- Cattle 2.235 million
- Buffaloes 0.766 million
- Sheep 0.344 million
- Goat 1.722 million
- 50-55% dressing ratio of animals
- Provincial government has the will to facilitate investors
- Supporting development projects
- Well-established Provincial Livestock & Dairy Development Department for the provision of technical support
- Cheap labor available
Encouraging local market rates of livestock products:
- Poultry: $1.75/- per kg
- Beef: $2.20-2.50 per kg
- Mutton: $4.00-4.50 per kg
- Fertile land available for fodder production
- Land available: 27 million ha
- Average fodder production: 20 tons per ha

- Better export potential ($3.000 trillion Halal and over $12 billion Gulf, Afghanistan and Central Asian markets)
- Proximity by road to export market in Afghanistan and Central Asian States (98% of beef consumed, is from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa)
- Air port available for export to middle east countries
- Meat from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is preferred because of its taste, flavor and organic nature
Establishment of “Food Processing Parks”
Salient Features:
- The aim is to establish “ direct linkage from farm to processing and then to consumer markets” through a network of collection centers and primary processing centers
- Linkages will be developed between farmers, processors and consumers
- Value addition of the raw produce will be maximized
- The facility will minimize wastage, increase farmers income & provide employment opportunities especially in rural areas

Disease Free Zone in KP
Salient Features:
- Baseline survey for identification of suitable areas for establishment of FMD / PPR free zones in KP.
- Clinical Surveillance in the target districts
- Registration of livestock farms with L&DD Department
- Involvement of private practitioners through provision of incentives for FMD & PPR Reporting
- Sero- Surveillance in the target districts
- Establishment of Sentinel Site in specified zone
- Establishment of centralized feed area in free Zone
- Mass Vaccination against FMD & PPR and quarantine
- Establishment of FMD & PPR Lab Diagnostic facilities
- Establishment of Animal Check Posts with quarantine facilities at entry / exit routes of the target districts (Buffer Zone)
- Establishment of rapid Resource Mechanism for Outbreak Handling
- International standard Butchery

Development and production of Veterinary Vaccine against prevalent Disease in KP
Salient Features:
- Development of relevant infrastructure for Veterinary Vaccine production as per standard.
- Provision of relevant Machinery, Equipment’s and Technology for the development veterinary vaccine as per standard.
- Establishment of infrastructure for cold chain supply of vaccines throughout the Province.

Quality Fruit Plant Nursery Production through Public Private Partnership
Salient Features:
- Availability of true to type and disease free fruit plants to the growers will be ensured
- An opportunity will be provided to growers to learn improved techniques of nursery production
- Development of better and reliable fruit nurseries
- Better job opportunity will be provided to growers and nursery men
- Certified propagates will be provided to registered nursery men

Development of cage Fish farming for enhancement of Tilapia Fish Production
Salient Features:
- Procurement of 20 No. cages (10 x 10meter/acre) & allied accessories.
- Installation of fish cages in 0.5% of the total area of Tarbela Dam i.e. 64000 acres.
- Stocking of Tilapia Fish seed feeding of Fish Stock Processing.

Date Farming & Processing Unit at D.I.Khan
To utilize the best combination of land and climate at Dera Ismail Khan and available date production, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Board of Investment & Trade (KP-BOIT) in collaboration with Agriculture Department intends to invite private sector to invest in establishment of Date farming (Plantation of Date trees to establish international standard Date Farm) and processing unit at Dera Ismail Khan with operational capacity of 50 tons per day for 1000 Acres (25 tons per day for 500 Acres) which can be further increased on availability of home grown from the local farms.
Government Facilitation:
- Land approximately 1000 Acres will be provided by the Provincial Government on long lease for a period of thirty (30) years extendable for further period. (Which can be divided into two (02) projects of 500 Acres each. However preference will be given to the investor applying for as single project).
- All relevant NOC’s from the concerned Departments of the Provincial Government.

Jaba Sheep Farm, Mansehra (Wool, Mutton Production & Processing Unit)
Hazara and Malakand divisions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Pakistan, are well known for transhumant livestock production, specially the wool and mutton animals. Rambouilett Sheep Farm established in 1954 at Jaba, in District Mansehra of Hazara division, is located on the main Mansehra-Naran highway at the gate way of Naran Valley and adjacent to the Silk Road leading to the Republic of China. Rambouilett sheep flock at Jaba farm is the only one of its kind in the south Asia. Rambouilett sheep are famous for fine wool production. The Ramghani sheep breed developed as a result of crossing the local Kaghani sheep with the exotic Rambouilett is spread all over Hazara and Malakand divisions, and the one million population in the region is producing over 2250 metric ton fine wool. Due to lack of wool processing facilities (grading and scouring), the best quality wool is never profitable to the farmers.
The region also offers large base for small ruminants for organic mutton production, comprising 0.87 million sheep and 4.14 million goats. The natural minerals and trace elements that passes on to the meat of these animals through the fodders and grasses grown in these regions, give it a unique flavor, color, texture and taste, that is not match- able by meats from other parts of the world.
To enhance / increase the production of fine wool and mutton on commercial basis the KP-BOIT in collaboration with Agriculture (Livestock) Department intends to invite private sector for establishment of modern / international standard sheep farm at Jaba (Mansehra). To set up a modern/international standard wool and mutton processing facilities at Jaba (Mansehra) to promote wool and mutton production. Farming of Rembullet Sheep for fine wool production and to keep intact the nucleus breed for further production of the captioned Sheep. Small ruminants farming for mutton production
Government Facilitation:
- Land approximately 300 Acres at Jaba (Mansehra) will be provided on long lease for a period of thirty (30) years extendable for further period.
- All relevant NOC’s from the concerned Departments of the Provincial Government.